Business Planning
Financial Analysis& Management
Financial data has never been more accessible and abundant with advancement in software technology. However, information without true understanding of what they mean can often lead to bad decision making. Navigating through rising operating expenses is imperative to increasing bottom line revenue.
Employee TrainingMaterial
Training, teaching, guiding, mentoring, and empowering employees is one of the many missions of being a leader. People are the biggest asset of every business. Providing proper expectations, training manuals, areas of responsbility, and much more are requirements for everyone to succeed.
Labor Costing,Projection, & Analysis
Managing labor costs has become one of the biggest challenges of the hospitality sector. As wages rise, operators must be able to project, schedule, and adjust labor appropriately. Profits heavily depend on labor management as labor cost is one of the largest investments you can make as the owner of a business.
Catering & PrivateEvent Proposals
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Keeping track of inventory quantities and cost is an incredibly important aspect of running a profitable business. Owners and operators must know where they are at all times. Without accurate inventory management, there is no way of knowing what is true food and beverage costs are.
Additional Service Categories: Culinary Strategies, Marketing